Saturday, May 10, 2008

Who Stole the Blog?

Pork Silhouette
Karen Hallenbeck-Sikorsky-George BS,RN,UM,QC,DON
Saturday May 10, 2008

Twirling female form, light of weight, endless, the vision is
Not for eyes unclear, that have clouded and lost articulate
Silhouettes, if we are unable to see this with clarity, the feelings
Are jumbled, a train wreck in the mind, my fingertips cannot
Trace with sensuous abandon the sexual primitive scent you
Emit, there is never labor sweat, daily work to be done

There is you. Before me. The trust
Beat me down to a pile of ashes, when
I began to burn violently, the heat seared
Now blackened, void, I lost you

Last week the wind tried to hit 100 mph, the sky disappeared
Dirt is so common here, red earth splattered and smeared like a
Fecal pattern it does not stink, but I am a foreigner in this living
Grave yard (Lubbock, Texas), and there is nothing left I recognize
Withered heart beats, simply fall and dry, in that burning sun before
I can find them (you) and lost forever in this boundless plain

I know the meaning. Desolate alone (am I). You
Left, and watermelon juice ran down your chin
Your lips could kiss my pain and nausea away
Left handed rose bush never blooms

Elderly watch tower, that guard is wearing a uniform from Walmart
You can buy lather, foaming rabies in a jar, or a spray bottle in pink
Children are no longer white, they are gourmet blends of varied races
This one is Hispanic, white, shades of grey, his mother may be working
Eloquent welfare recipient she clicks her blue binder shut, no one can
Keep up with the border crossings, and she is fucking them all

One by one. Christmas trees cut down. We
Bought blue spruce knowing the needles would prick
Our tired hands, mine bare without gloves I never cared
You wanted eternal youth but no adult were you

Trying to recapture your touch up and down my slender arm is wasted
Time, I have lost the desire for sensuality, relationships are hornets nests
Pain is the result of love, this human race is filled with ignorants beating
Their chests and crying to God for what He denies, so kind and good is
He that He prevents us from marriage, slams the binders shut, a man
Told me we cannot feed the masses, that they must stop proceating

Killing babies due to fornication. Open the bible read
Between the lines, you might fall asleep on a page
Keep reading until the meaning is clear, no longer
Will that burning lust devour you below the waist

He died alone in a bed with unchanged linen, he held their loving hearts
Imprisoned, their silhouettes in his crude, hateful, ribcage where he sought
At all costs throughout his ugly life a heart, oh he spoke of love, he
Judged me (your mother), and when his brain crashed and he (like his father)
Stroked, the train kept coming and smashed his idle bones to fractured
Pieces of rock, he died empty, and each of you know the truth

I had the virus. Upset stomach, dizzy worry. No
Peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwich could
Fix the disparity of no appetite, and the need to
Breathe, settle down, and deposit the money in

This bank of life, on earth we are transitory, spinning out of human control
If we sat beneath the oak tree, intrepid summer heat, an hour of sweat
Might rearrange the complications of control, to the honest state of
Powerlessness, we live (here and forevermore), do not worry I think when you
Bury me first, your tears will dry quickly, and I love you, I do
I know that you know, and we cannot go back, sit with me, for a minute...